complete draw solutions

We offer solutions for different lottery needs including offline, isolated & connected configurations.
We cover the complete draw process from start to finish. All solutions offer full proof of integrity and 100% fraud detection.
draw elements

draw scheduling
draw system automatically schedules draws based on a predefined schedule

draw request
either a manual draw is invoked by draw personnel or an automated request is sent from the gaming server

secure draw and proof of integrity
RNG engine confirms hardware and software integrity, generates draw numbers, and creates a proof of draw integrity, used later for independent verification

creation of draw reports
RNG engine compiles configurable reports that detail the draw process and draw outcome in a variety of formats

draw results complete
draw results are displayed and can be printed and/or exported; reports can be signed by draw personnel

rendering of draw animation
animation manager performs automatic rendering of the draw results animation with voice over (optional)

export of proof of integrity
proof of integrity is transferred to the independent audit system for verification of draw integrity

full integrity verification
audit system performs full proof of integrity verification –detects any errors and draw manipulations; audit system can be also integrated with an internal control system (ICS) (optional)

public announcement
the Lottery can now communicate the verified draw results to the public

results sent to social media
draw animation video is sent to the Lottery website, social media and TV (optional)
60 Spencer Avenue | East Greenwich | RI 02818 | USA | Tel: +1 (401) 398-0395 | [email protected]“When I play I trust”
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