Agreement with Chariot Lottery
Szrek2Solutions to cooperate with Chariot Lottery and Betware in providing secure draw and audit system for charity games offered in the UK over the Internet.
Szrek2Solutions LLC and Chariot (UK) plc have signed a license and services agreement, calling for the implementation of Trusted Draw™, an electronic draw and audit system offering the most advanced random number security available to the gaming industry. Trusted Draw will be used to generate the draw outcomes for the charity games offered by Chariot to lottery players in the UK over the internet platform, supplied by Betware of Iceland. Chariot will use audit functionality in Trusted Draw to verify the integrity of the draw outcomes and of the winner selection process, to ensure that utmost safety measures are taken to protect integrity of the games.
Szrek2Solutions believes the implementation of Trusted Draw by Chariot will set a new lottery industry standard for the transparency of electronic draw and RNG (random number generation). Trusted Draw offers a unique feature of audit of random numbers based on RUN+A (Random Unpredictable Numbers with Audit) method, patented by Szrek2Solutions, utilizing asymmetric encryption technology (public/private key) to digitally sign and time-stamp game data and produce a unique random number set.
The digital signature used in the process can be “decoded” at any subsequent point in time to recreate and verify both the winning number set and the exact time they were generated (draw time). Trusted Draw audit system uses the RUN+A methodology to verify integrity of the draw – correctness of winning numbers, exactness of draw time, and accuracy of draw hardware. In addition the audit system confirms that the bet file supplied by the Game system has not been altered and all bets participate in the draw with a fair chance of winning. Audit system uses the Trusted Transactions schema (patent pending), which performs time-stamping of the bet file before the draw. As an auxiliary internal control feature TD audit system performs independent winner selection and compares the results to the ones provided by the Game system.
All draw and audit functions are performed automatically, with no operator intervention, which in addition to transparency eliminates risk of human error, facilitates the operation and reduces time and cost of the draw. Trusted Draw™ has potential application for a wide range of games, including bingo, keno, lotto, numbers and raffle games, on a wide range of betting platforms, including traditional lottery and internet and mobile phone wagering.
Szrek2Solutions ( is a private, international consultancy and product design firm specializing in secure software systems solutions for the gaming industry. Headquartered in East Greenwich, RI, USA, Szrek2Solutions offers a family of Trusted Products™, including Trusted Play™, a secure instant bet server, Trusted Draw™, a secure electronic draw system with audit and animation, and Trusted Transactions™, securing bets before the draw.
Chariot (UK) plc ( is a venture, which intends to market and retail weekly society lotteries on behalf of a range of charities. It is based in the United Kingdom.
Betware ( is a private company based in Iceland, focusing on interactive platform for new media, supplying a wide range of interactive games on top of its platform such as, number games, pool games, oddset games, scratch games, casino games and racing games.