Challenges the lottery industry is currently facing (Insights Magazine)

NASPL’s Insights magazine had a special column on the challenges that the lottery industry is currently facing. Check out our reply!
One of the lottery industry’s main challenges is increasing consumer engagement and trust. To achieve this goal, the lottery industry needs to respond to consumer interests through offering innovative and engaging games while also guaranteeing a transparent gaming environment. Providing proof of integrity of the full gaming process is a crucial step towards ensuring transparency to all stakeholders. The lottery industry must tackle the increasing challenge of creating a secure environment with trustworthy digital draws and electronic random game outcome solutions, to protect against sophisticated attacks. Several studies estimate that a typical organization loses five percent of its revenue per year because of fraud. Potentially more significant, lotteries pay high costs for lost consumer confidence and disengagement from the lottery that ultimately results in reduced ticket sales. Other potential consequences include diminished reputation, loss in legislative powers and increased legal fees. Protecting customers requires raising lottery industry standards. The costs of adopting technologies that detect fraud are much lower than the potential short- and long-term cost impacts of fraud. To gain consumer trust and ensure integrity, the lottery industry must move forward with fraud detecting technologies. Lotteries already have access to technology that ensures nonrepudiation – providing proof of the origin and integrity of data. These technologies can be applied to random number generation (RNG) systems that guarantee the time of the draw, the hardware used and the draw results. Inevitably, nonrepudiation of RNG systems will become the norm by which lotteries are evaluated.
See the reply, and others, in the magazine!
Check out our ad in the same magazine, too!